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Negotiations Update for 6/10/2019
Strike Authorization Scheduled
Cast your vote on June 24th/25th
Our union will hold a vote to authorize a strike, if necessary, by members of Local 1167 who are employed by Ralphs, Vons, Albertsons, and Pavilions. Voting information will be sent to employees home
Why a strike authorization vote?
The corporate owners of the stores are delaying a deal and demanding takeaways:
- Three months since the contract expired
- Cut top-rate for GM clerks
- Slash wages for checkers
- Wage increases for other workers of only 20 cents, less than 1%
- Put healthcare plan at risk of bankruptcy
All this when corporate executives are giving themselves 34% raises and paying out $250 million to investors.
The time has come to show the companies we won’t tolerate this treatment anymore; they need to get serious about a fair deal. A strong turnout authorizing a strike will show the companies we are united and ready to fight for what is right.
What does a Strike Authorization vote mean?
It means we give the power to call a strike, only if necessary.
It does not mean we go on strike right away, but it does show the companies we are united in our demand for a fair contract that rewards our contribution to their success. It shows we are prepared to fight for the respect and compensation we deserve.
What’s next?
We vote on Monday, June 24th, and Tuesday, June 25th. After we tally the votes, we will announce the results.
It is absolutely critical that every member gets out and votes.
Don't let others make the decision for you.
In the meantime, we will continue to show the company reps what we can accomplish when we stand together.
Stay strong and stand by your union!

Contract Negotiation Update for 6/5/19
The corporate negotiators for Ralphs, Vons, and Albertsons continue to play games and push unacceptable takeaways and concessions, including:
- Make Checkers GM Clerks (Slashing pay for checkers)
- Funding proposal that threatens our health plan
- Less than 1% Pay increase
There are two more days of negotiations scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday, June 10 & 11, 2019
Unless there are significant changes in their offer, your employer is giving us no choice but to take action.
We will not stand by while profitable corporations nickel and dime the people who make their profits possible.
If we don’t have serious movement by the end of our next negotiation dates, we will be forced to stand up for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Check back here for future updates and information.
Contract Negotiation Update for 5/24/19
The corporate employers finally showed their hand with a wage and health benefits offer.
This week we brought a member delegation made up of GM clerks to negotiations. They spoke directly to corporate negotiators about the challenges of the 2-tier system and inequality in the workplace.
The corporate negotiators’ response?
The Emoloyers offer reduces the top pay for GM clerks, makes checkers GM clerks. Attacks our health plan and undermine its long-term funding. Wage increases of less than 1%. Refuses to provide a plan to fund your pension adequately.
All this after Ralphs gave executives raises this year of up to 34%, Albertsons-Vons paid $250 million to its owners, and both reaped more than $1.3 BILLION in special-interest tax benefits this year alone (benefits denied to working families).
This is unacceptable! We have communicated back to the corporate negotiators that we will not accept unfair and hypocritical takeaways like this.
We can’t stand by and allow the corporate negotiators to get away with this.
We’ve sent our counter proposals across the table, insisting on better wages, closing the GM/Food Clerk gap, and expanding your benefits and voice at work.
If the corporate negotiators continue to refuse to bargain fairly, we’ll have to explore other actions outside the bargaining table.
This week end remember to share your weekly receipt with EVERYONE you know today by going to FoodFightUs.com. We need every single one of your co-workers, your friends, and family to submit their grocery bill. We need to put the pressure on as a union and a community. When we show we can hurt their bottom line, they’ll come to the table for some real talk. Together lets keep of the fight for a fair contract
More negotiations are scheduled for June 3, 4, 10 & 11.
Check back here for future updates.
Contract Negotiation Update for 5/6/19
We just wrapped yet another round of contract negotiations where corporate executives failed to discuss even ONE of the core values we’re fighting for as a union. No increasing a fair wage for you and your families. No safeguarding the health care protections you’ve earned. No ensuring more hours and staff to make your work safer, and shopping better for the customers we love.
Here’s the deal: these are YOUR stores. You do the hard work to make them great places to shop, every single day. And you do it with a smile.
These corporate executives don’t get it. We’re at the table working long hours to try and hammer out a deal. But these corporations aren’t going to make a deal unless we show the cost of stalling. So let’s send them a message loud and clear: messing with your union brothers and sisters comes with a price.
Show them the price of messing with workers. Share your weekly receipt.
I urge you to share the webpage below with EVERYONE you know. We need every single one of your co-workers, your friends, and family to submit their grocery bill.
We need to put the pressure on as a union and a community. When we show we can hurt their bottom line, they’ll come to the table for some real talk.
Let’s get started -- share your weekly receipt now.
Share the link with family and friends: https://foodfightus.com/#receipts
And now we go,
UFCW Local 1167 President
Joe Duffle
Contract Negotiation Update for 4/19/19
We met with Corporate negotiators and the federal mediator April 18 & 19.
The first day was spent bringing the federal mediator up to speed and informing him of our goals and concerns. We continue to advance and advocate for improvements to our contract that will increase our ability to get more hours, pay, and a voice on the job.
Our goals at the bargaining table remain the same.
Family-sustaining Fair Wages:Work should provide wage increases that make ends meet and allow us to provide for and enjoy our families and lives – without having to work multiple jobs.
More, flexible hours:Scheduling should provide both the hours we need to support our families with one job, the flexibility to enjoy and take care of our families, and also accommodate the other priorities in our lives.
Health and Retirement Security:All employees should have benefits that allow us security in our health and dignity in our retirement. We fought hard for ours, and will fight hard to maintain them.
Job Security in changing times:We understand better than management what consumers want and what works on the floor – and by applying that knowledge we can help shape the grocery jobs of the future in partnership with technology rather than as servants to it.
Democracy in our workplace:We are partners in the success of our businesses, not pawns to be moved and discarded. Our unity gives us a voice and a vote in both our workplace and our union.
How we win:The way this contract gets won is by you staying involved. Make sure you, your family, and your friends sign the petition at www.FoodFightUS.com and share our message on your social media at www.foodfightus.com/stand-with-workers
Negotiations are ongoing. Our next scheduled dates are May 3rd and 6th. Check back here for future updates.
Contract Negotiation Update for 4/4/19
Negotiations with Albertsons, Ralphs and Vons continued on April 3 and 4.
We discussed many issues including scheduling and hours as well as wages and the increasing minimum wage. We are still a long way from an acceptable solution however we have explained the importance of these issues to our members.
Today a federal Mediator was called and will be assisting in all future negotiations
7 more negotiations dates have been added for April 18,19, May 3,6,22,23 & 24 /2019.
You deserve a good contract which properly compensates you for your hard work in keeping your company profitable. Stay strong and united
For the latest updates visit UWFCW1167.org or facebook.com/ufcw.bloomington
Sign the petition at www.FoodFightUS.com
Contract Negotiation Update for 3/22/19
Negotiators met with the union’s financial experts to review our pension and benefit plans, and continued to discuss non-financial contract issues with the corporate negotiators representing Ralphs, Vons, and Albertsons.
We continue to press for an accelerated negotiation schedule, but the corporate negotiators continue to slow walk the talks. The lead negotiator for Ralphs failed to even show up for the second day of talks.
Our next talks are set for April 3rd and 4th.
Go to UWFCW1167.org or facebook.com/ufcw.bloomington for updates.
Sign the petition at www.FoodFightUS.com
Contract Negotiation Update for 3/6/19
We continued negotiations today, reviewing some contract language proposals from Ralphs and Albertsons/Vons management.
We have yet to discuss economic issues such as wages and benefits.
We’re confident we can get a deal if management gets serious about staying at the negotiating table.
Currently, management only offered 4 negotiation days in the next month. We stand ready to negotiate any and every day if necessary.
Our union and members are ready and strong. Our next negotiation date is March 21st. Look here for ongoing updates.
Nogitiation Update for 3/5/19
Negotiations began today with Kroger (parent company of Ralphs) and Albertsons (parent company of Albertsons, Vons, and Pavilions).
Your union joined UFCW locals 8, 135, 324, 770, 1428, and 1442 and sent our initial proposals across the table.
Union negotiators presented plans to proactively deal with technology in the workplace, simplify work classifications, increase training, give you more notice and flexibility in scheduling.
Ralphs, Vons, and Albertsons contract protections remain in effect and will continue to protect you and be enforced.
Gelsons, Stater Bros, and Super A management signed extension agreements.
Negotiations continue tomorrow and we will update following the meeting.
Nogitiation Update for 3/1/19
What Happens When Our Contract With Albertsons, Vons and Ralphs Expires?
- The grocery contract covering our Albertsons Vons and Ralphs stores expires on March 3rd, 2019. What happens on March 4th?
- The protections of the contract stay in place. Your hours, wages, benefits, and job protections will remain in force.
- As long as we are still in bargaining the company must abide by the contract, and our union will continue to enforce it and represent you in the workplace.
- Our union negotiators are working hard to get management to the table. Management is slow-walking negotiations to try and force a bad deal. Despite our union’s efforts, the companies refused to bargain before the expiration of our contract.
First bargaining session with Albertsons Vons and Ralphs is on March 5th and 6th, 2019.
Join in the fight for a fair contract and sign the petition atwww.FoodFightUS.com
Stater Bros Negotiation Update 3/5/2019:
Your current contract with Stater Bros is also set to expire March 3rd, 2019.
We are pleased to announce that today a contract extension with all 7 UFCW local Unions and Stater Bros Markets has been signed.
The contract extension will extend the terms and conditions of our current contract beyond March 3rd, 2019.
This contract extension will allow you to continue to work until a successor agreement can be negotiated.
For future updates check back here, contact your Union Representative download the UFCW1167 App.