Find your monthly updates here to stay informed on what new information is available to members.
Bulletin boards are also displayed in at least thirteen different locations. These locations include the front gate, all lunch rooms, and restrooms in your designated areas.
Bulletin boards are to keep members informed on any upcoming meetings and local community events.
All meetings will be held each month in the Hall at 4:45 P.M. The Executive Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday, and the Membershiip Meetings are held on the third Wednesday.
REMINDER We know life happens and we want to always be prepared for anything. Please update your membership, beneficiary and contact information. Our office is open Monday- Friday 7:00a.m-2:30p.m Give us a call so ...
CBD Facts
Just a friendly reminder for our members to remain in compliance with the Company’s drug policy. Better to be Safe, than Sorry! CBD Facts For better or worse, drug testing has become commonplace in the Un...